XTBA's Smart Merge A-D will merge up to 24 channels of 0 to +10v analogue control and a DMX data stream into a single DMX512 output signal.The XTBA SmartMerge A-D will allow older analogue equipment and custom-built controllers to be added into any DMX512 installation. The 24 channel analogue input may be moved via the three offset code switches to any position in the DMX output stream, allowing for analogue control of any channel.The number of analogue channels used may be decreased from 24 down to 1 via the two length code switches. Specifications Analogue MergeLength: 430.00mmDepth: 270.00mmHeight: 44.00mmWeight:4.00Kg (approx)Supply voltage120v AC (90v - 140v)240v AC (190v - 250v)Additional Information: 120V Operation is Internally Selectable
Hersteller: LSS;Der Merger ist ein High-End-Gerät mit sehr hoher Durchsatzrate und der geringstmöglichen Verzögerungszeit von DMX-Signalen. Das Mergen geschieht schritthaltend mit den eingehenden DMX-Signalen, so dass nur eine Latenz von maximal einem Protokoll (22,4ms) auftreten kann. Die interne CPU arbeitet aus diesem Grund mit einem sehr schnellen RealtimeMultitasking-Betriebssystem.6 in 2 oder 2x 3 in 1 in HOLD oder „hochohmig“, mit hexadezimalen Drehschalter einstellbarDMX-Eingang 6x XLR 5-polig, Potentialtrennung mit OptokopplerDMX-Ausgang 2x XLR 5-polig, Potentialtrennung mit Optokoppler und 6x DMX-THRU19", 1HE, 85 - 264VAC, 47 - 63Hz, Kaltgerätestecker
Hersteller: LSS;Der Merger ist ein High-End-Gerät mit sehr hoher Durchsatzrate und der geringstmöglichen Verzögerungszeit von DMX-Signalen. Das Mergen geschieht schritthaltend mit den eingehenden DMX-Signalen, so dass nur eine Latenz von maximal einem Protokoll (22,4ms) auftreten kann. Die interne CPU arbeitet aus diesem Grund mit einem sehr schnellen RealtimeMultitasking-Betriebssystem.6 in 2 oder 2x 3 in 1 in HOLD oder „hochohmig“, mit hexadezimalen Drehschalter einstellbarDMX-Eingang 6x RJ45 (Neutrik EtherCon®), ESTA-Belegung , Potentialtrennung mit OptokopplerDMX-Ausgang 2x RJ45 (Neutrik EtherCon®), ESTA-Belegung, Potentialtrennung mit Optokoppler und 6x DMX-THRU19", 1HE, 85 - 264VAC, 47 - 63Hz, Kaltgerätestecker
The merger 2002A-H is a truly universal tool to solve all kinds of problems regarding combination of two DMX signals. Besides the standard modes HTP or LTP, the 2002A-H works as data combiner (append two signals), as data splitter (set a split point), as priority switch, as data fail switch, as variable master or more. For a full list of features, pls refer to the product manual available from our manuals site.The incoming signals are clearly indicated by LED displays. The current version Mk6.0 of the DMX merger 2002A-H can also be configured using your preferred RDM controller. Besides, the 2002A-H can act as DMX RDM to DMX 512 gateway, filtering out all DMX RDM related traffic or other NSC incompatible start code packets from the running DMX signal to improve stability of sensitive control systems. DMX MERGER 2 DMX inputs, 2 DMX outputs DMX512/1990, DIN56930-2, DMX512-A 8 modes of operation selectable Power supply: 24V DC (optional Order) Dimension: DIN rail, 5 units width
The Merger 2003A-H is a 3-input merger to combine three DMX signals to one common output. The start address for input 3 can be set as needed; thus input 3 can also be mixed in at any address in regard to input 1 or 2. Merging follows the HTP rule (Highest Takes Precedence).DMX MERGER3 DMX inputs, 1 DMX outputDMX512/1990, DIN56930-2, DMX512AMerge mode: HTPPower supply: 24V DC (optional order)Dimensions: DIN rail, 5 units width
XTBA's SMART MERGE is designed to take two DMX512 data streams and combine them into one complete DMX512 output.This allows two DMX transmitting devices (e.g. lighting controls, scroll controllers, moving light controllers) to be effectively linked together; the resulting data stream fed to dimmers decoders, scrollers etc. on one data line.
XTBA's SMART MERGE 2 has all the features of the SMART MERGE, but with the addition of a second output to provide maximum control channel usage.When using the DMX2 offset, channels over the 512 limit on output 1 are carried over to the DMX OUT 2 which is a second new output data stream. Thus the Smart Merge 2 can be used in larger systems to join desks 'end to end' without data loss or to fill in channel 'DMX gaps' from protocol convertors.
XTBA Smart Merge 4:2 will take up to four DMX inputs and merge into two output data streams.Each input has its own offset so data channels can be set end to end or overlapped. When using the offsets any channels over the 512 limit are carried over to output two. The Smart Merge 4:2 can be user set to hold last frame on any or all of the inputs in the event of data loss.Specifications SmartMerge 4:2Length: 430.00mmDepth: 270.00mmHeight: 44.00mmWeight: 4.00Kg (approx)19" 1U Rack Mount120v AC (90v - 140v): 120V Operation is internally selectable240v AC (190v - 250v)
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